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Key Details of Medicos Surgery : History and Clinical Examination

  • Medicos Surgery offers you a clear structured and systematic approach to history taking and clinical examination of bed side surgery wards.
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Developer’s Description

Medicos Surgery offers you a clear structured and systematic approach to history taking and clinical examination of bed side surgery wards.

Medicos Surgery offers you a clear structured and systematic approach to history taking and clinical examination of bed side surgery wards.

As a medical student, its absolutely critical to get well versed with a systematic, step wise approach to history taking.This is an essential skill to acquire for any physician.

Medicos surgery can be useful for users wanting quick reference to contents while they are in bedside classes taking history and performing clinical examination of surgery.

Step wise systematic approach ranging from Introduction and Early Observation of the patient to General History, Systemic History, Symptoms' descriptions & Grading.


1. Step wise guide to proper history taking of patients with added attractive images of different procedures and a explanation video performing the same task

2. General guide to proper clinical examination of surgical cases along with their systemic examination too

3. Image illustration of procedures to follow while doing clinical examination

4. Video illustration demonstrating the procedures

5. In app calculator for indicators such as BMI/BSA, Pack per year calculation, Glasgow coma scale, kuppuswami scale and many more to discover inside the app

6. Details of the most commonly used surgical instruments with their image demonstration and functions.

7. Teaches students how to deal with both pre-op and post-op cases of surgery

8. bedside tool that removes the hurdle of forgetting common details in surgical cases such as: Pain, Swelling, Ulcer, Sinus/Fistula, Hernia and many other that you can find in the app

Each topics are divided in three main sections as

General introduction

History taking

Clinical examination / systemic examination

Comprehensive guide to General History comprising

* Introduction,

* Initial Data

* Chief Complaint

* History of Present Illness

* Past Medical History

* Personal & Social Profile

* Family History

* Drug History

* Activity & Exercise History

* Obstetric History

* Gynecological History

General guide to clinical examination containing





Basic parameters of signs seen in surgical ward such as:

I. Pain

II. Swelling

III. Sinus and fistula

IV. Ulcer

V. Hernia


VII. Acute abdomen

VIII. Chronic Abdomen

Systemic review of body such as:

1) Breast

2) Thyroid

3) Neck

4) Chest

5) Abdominal lump

6) Hands and foot

7) Post op cases

PHYSICAL Examination: More than 90 Examinations including:

* Cranial Nerve Examination

* Complete Chest Examination

* Breast, Cardiac, Pulmonary

* Complete Abdominal Examination- GI including Abd Mass

* Head & Neck - Eyes, Nose, Throat

* Arms & Legs

* including Neurological Assessment

* Muscle Power

* Reflexes

* Sensory

* Wrist & Palm - Nails- Clubbing..

* Genital Examination-Male & Female

the simplicity of the app and ease of access to critical info during ward postings and can be used for viva exams as well.

Very useful in final year MBBS, BDS exams, Also really useful during first year PG.

overall a must must have for every Surgery Resident

DISCLAIMER: The Content on this application is for educational purposes only and is provided 'as-is' and 'as-available' basis without any warranty. In no event shall the creator of this application be held liable in any manner for direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access, use or inability to use this application or any errors or omissions in information on this application.

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