Used Marktplatz - die Agrar App mit Kleinanzeigen rund um Traktor, Landmaschinen und Landwirtschaft fr Landwirte for iOS? Share your experience and help other users.

Key Details of Marktplatz - die Agrar App mit Kleinanzeigen rund um Traktor, Landmaschinen und Landwirtschaft fr Landwirte

  • The leading online marketplace for used farm equipment and tractors distributes from now on also a search tool for used material...
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  • There have been 8 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Marktplatz -… Marktplatz - die Agrar App mit Kleinanzeigen rund um Traktor, Landmaschinen und Landwirtschaft fr Landwirte 0/1

Developer’s Description

The leading online marketplace for used farm equipment and tractors distributes from now on also a search tool for used material...
The leading online marketplace for used farm equipment and tractors distributes from now on also a search tool for used material as an App.Thus iPhone users will be able to search the right offer between more than 50.000 machines and equipments any time.The easy to use graphical interface allows a well-directed search in order to find used farm equipment via categories or a selection of other criterias. Brand, price, hp/kw, year, hours, tires, volume in m, working width and much more caracteristics are perceivable at a glance.In a first step we provide our app in German, English, French and Hungarian. Other languages will follow in the next months.The agricultural marketplace is a product of Landwirt Agrarmedien GmbH. With more than 50.000 ads from Hungary, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland this website is considered as the leading marketplace for used farm equipment and tractors. The internet page is multilingual and offers various search options in order to obtain accurate results. With more than 22 million page views per month, the marketplace ranks between the high scores. International partnerships in different countries, eg. Agroinform in Hungary, boost the global coverage in farm equipment business.

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