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Key Details of Is Yatirim Trade Master for iPad

  • TRADEMASTER Yatrmdan bir yenilik daha TradeMaster iPad Srm! Yatrmclarn iPad araclyla, hesaplar ile ilgili her trl bilgiye ulamalarna, anlk piyasa...
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Is Yatirim Trade Master for iPad 0/1

Developer’s Description

TRADEMASTER Yatrmdan bir yenilik daha TradeMaster iPad Srm! Yatrmclarn iPad araclyla, hesaplar ile ilgili her trl bilgiye ulamalarna, anlk piyasa...
TRADEMASTER Yatrmdan bir yenilik daha TradeMaster iPad Srm! Yatrmclarn iPad araclyla, hesaplar ile ilgili her trl bilgiye ulamalarna, anlk piyasa verilerini inceleyerek, BST Hisse Senetleri, Vadeli lemler ve Opsiyon, piyasalarnda ilem gren tm kontrat ve hisse senetlerinde hzl ilem yapmalarna olanak salayan bir uygulamadr.Bu uygulamayla;-BST'de ilem gren hisse senedi ve vadeli szlemelerin anlk fiyatlarna, tahvil ve eurotahvil fiyatlarna, dnya borsa endekslerine, serbest dviz, TCMB parite bilgilerine ve haberlere hzl ve kolaylkla ulalabilirsiniz.-BST ilem yaparak hesap durumlarnz izleyebilirsiniz.-Piyasalarla ilgili haberleri okuyabilir, birok farkl haber merkezinden gelen haberlere annda ulaabilirsiniz.- yatrm raporlarna ve hisse senedi nerilerine ulaabilirsiniz.-Baka bir aracya gerek kalmadan kullanl ve basit menler araclyla ilemlerinizi gerekletirebilirsiniz. - Yatrmdaki portfynze 24 saat ulaabilirsiniz.--------------------------------------TRADEMASTERAnother innovation form Is Investment TradeMaster for iPad!TradeMaster is an electronic application that allows investors to access their accounts held with Is Investment. The application enables users to monitr real time data, to invest in Istanbul Stock Exchange Market (BIST).Via TradeMaster you will reach the following unique features:You can reach the instant prices for Stock and futures contracts traded on the BIST, bond and eurobond prices, world stock market indices, free exchanges, the parity information of Central Bank.You can trade in BIST and monitor your account .You can reach and search instant news.You can monitor Is Investments reports and stock suggestions.You can trade easily and quickly by yourself,without any assitance.You can reach your portfolio for 24 hours.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipadwifi, ipadwifi, ipad3g, ipad3g, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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