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Key Details of Inventory for Retailer

  • Inventory for RetailerFree App supports limited transactions to try out your business. After trail unlock once. There is no subscription or...
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  • There have been 1 updates
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Developer’s Description

Inventory for RetailerFree App supports limited transactions to try out your business. After trail unlock once. There is no subscription or...
Inventory for RetailerFree App supports limited transactions to try out your business. After trail unlock once. There is no subscription or additional charges. Pay once and run your business life long.App helps to automate the Resellers business. The app supports the functions of create products, buying products, selling products, receive and update the inventory for buying products, ship the selling products, mark the product delivered once the consignment reaches to customer. Apart from these features, this App have various intuitive reports to run and track the business efficiently by reports like Inventory Cost, Sales Report, Purchase Report, Profit and Loss Report, Purchase vs. Sales Report.App enables sync across multiple devices with iCloud.1.Business FlowSetup Product -> Buy -> Receive -> Sell -> Ship -> Deliver2. Product SetupProduct can be created manually or by scanning barcode.Product can be categorized and identified by location.Product information is attached with Unit Selling Price and Unit Buying Price. This will be used to calculate Sales profit and loss. If price changes timely basis and it can be updated in a particular sales or purchase transaction, which will provide for accurate calculations.Product screen provides product information with oTotal quantity Bought and Purchase amountoTotal quantity Sold and Sales amountoTotal quantity ShippedoTotal quantity Delivered oTotal quantity Received1.Buying TransactionsBuy transactions can be created from home screen and from Buy menu or from Product screen to buy a particular productBuying transaction contains products as line items and their quantity, purchase price, discount if any. Based on these details total will be calculatedItems can be marked as received in the transaction or if there any pending items to be received, it can be done from Receive Transaction screen4.Selling TransactionsSelling transactions can be created from home screen and from Sell menu or from Product screen to sell a particular productSelling transactions contains transaction id, date and products as line items and their quantity, unit selling price, unit cost, discount if any. Based on these details total will be calculated. Line items can be marked as shipped and delivered based on line items status. If there is any pending items to be shipped or delivered, it can be done from Ship, Deliver Transaction screens5.Receive TransactionIf there are any line items to be received from Buying transaction, it will be displayed here. The selected line item will show number of quantities to be received. User can update the received quantity.6.Shipping TransactionIf there are any line items to be shipped from Selling transaction, it will be displayed here. The selected line item will show number of quantities to be shipped. User can update the shipped quantity.7.Deliver TransactionIf there are any line items to be received from Selling transaction and Shipping Transaction, it will be displayed here. The selected line item will show number of quantities to be delivered. User can update the delivered quantity.App presentation in SlideShare demo in YouTube

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: iphone4, iphone4, ipad2wifi, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipad23g, iphone4s, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipadmini4g
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