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Key Details of IntoWords

  • Easy reading and writing - IntoWordsHave all text read aloud, write faster and better. With this reading and writing tool, you can learn faster as...
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Developer’s Description

Easy reading and writing - IntoWordsHave all text read aloud, write faster and better. With this reading and writing tool, you can learn faster as...
Easy reading and writing - IntoWordsHave all text read aloud, write faster and better. With this reading and writing tool, you can learn faster as you will have all text or a few difficult words read aloud. The programs word suggestions help you write correctly and improve your written communication.You can read and write in various languages, e.g. Danish, English and German. Use IntoWords as reading and spelling help in order to learn new languages or as a note or proof tool.If your school or institution subscribes to IntoWords, the program is free of charge for you. If so, you can freely download it using your login provided by your school. This also applies for the purchased language packages of the school.Reading with IntoWordsIntoWords reads the text aloud in a clear and easily understandable voice. You can choose between various reading strategies, e.g. to have the words highlighted as they are read (highlight function). In this way, you can easily keep up with the text.Writing support When writing yourself, IntoWords provides you with a word suggestion list for words that can continue your text. Double-click on a word suggestion to have it read aloud. IntoWords also helps you to spell. You can have the text read aloud while writing helping you to avoid spelling mistakes.Read and write in various languages After downloading the app, reading aloud and word suggestions are in English. If you need other languages, e.g. Danish you can download the language package directly from the app. The language package provides you with both a voice and word suggestions in the language chosen. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) read and edit a physical text When you see text in your surroundings e.g. in a food labelling, in a sign or in a picture you can use IntoWords OCR function to change it into digital text. Take a picture with the iPad camera and let the OCR function change the picture into text, which IntoWords can read aloud to you. Share textsYou can easily share your documents, notes or messages. You can easily send your text as mail, to Dropbox, or post it on Twitter or Facebook.IntoWords is based on the strongest language resources from the PC tool CD-ORD, which we have developed and improved for more than 20 years. Target groupsIntoWords is used by children and grown-ups who are in need of help to read and write because they: * Are dyslectics or people with reduced writing abilities* Must learn new languages * Want to increase their vocabulary and write better in English and other languages* Need a note and proof tool* Have impaired writing functionIntoWords is used in schools, in education, on the job, or at home. NB If your school, institution, or workplace have a subscription for IntoWords, IntoWords is free of charge for you. Feature list- Reading aloud* Highlighting of a read word, a sentence, or a paragraph (highlight)* Reading of various languages, e.g. Danish, English, and German* The voice speed is adjustable also while the text is being read aloud* Reading during writing with letter sound or letter name, and sentence* Full support for reading of a pdf- Word suggestions* Context based word suggestions in Danish and in English* Word prediction automatic suggestion for next word* Search with wildcards* Option to limit the length of suggested words- Share* Send as an e-mail or a message* Send to Twitter or Facebook* Open documents in other apps* Send your text files to IntoWords from other apps e.g. Dropbox- OCR (Optical Character Recognition)* Insert text from camera * Insert text from picture in camera roll - Other* Flexible placement of word lists* Easy change between different languages* Word suggestions are shown when the cursor is placed on a word (help for proof)* Easy access to share text with others* Original settings can easily be restored

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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