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Key Details of History A Level: Germany 1900 - 1945 for iPhone

  • It's difficult to revise for A Level History, especially for Edexcel A2's History Unit, From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-45 as there is no...
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History A Level: Germany 1900 - 1945 for iPhone 0/1

Developer’s Description

It's difficult to revise for A Level History, especially for Edexcel A2's History Unit, From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-45 as there is no...
It's difficult to revise for A Level History, especially for Edexcel A2's History Unit, From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-45 as there is no revision guide! This app can help, covering the whole unit with essay plans and quizzes to help you tackle any question that will be covered in either the Factor Questions or the Controversy Questions. For each topic there is an essay plan, to help prepare for the exam, and quizzes, to test your knowledge.Here's a full list of the Topics: What were the main issues in the Second Reich of 1900 - 1914? What was the impact of the First World War on Germany in the years 1914 - 1918? What were the problems faced by the Weimar Republic in the years 1919 -1923? How stable were the "Stresemann Years" of the Weimar Republic, 1924 - 1929? Why did the Nazi Party rise to power from 1920 - 1923? The Nazi Consolidation of Power What was life like in wartime Germany? Controversy: To what extent was Germany responsible for the outbreak of the First World War in 1914? Controversy: How popular was the Nazi regime in the years 1933 - 1939? Controversy: How effectively did the Nazi state operate from 1933 - 1939? Please check out our other apps. We'll also be releasing more apps to cover additional units and other subjects in the coming months.

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iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4. iTunes account required.
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