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Key Details of Grid Ref GK

  • Pinpoint your current map reference location anywhere in the world, using the Gauss Kruger (GK) coordinate system.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 8 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for Grid Ref GK
Grid Ref GK 0/4

Developer’s Description

Pinpoint your current map reference location anywhere in the world, using the Gauss Kruger (GK) coordinate system.

Pinpoint your current map reference location anywhere in the world, using the Gauss Kruger (GK) coordinate system. (Gau-Krger-Koordinatensystem)

App Provides: GK Grid Ref, and WGS84 Latitude and Longitude values.

The Accuracy of Readings, as indicated by your device, will also be shown.

Share your Location via Text, Email, Tweet etc, or Copy to the Clipboard. (Sharing options and services will vary, depending on the device setup).

Grid Ref GK - Your GPS Grid Reference Finder App!

App will operate internationally. App includes a graphical guide to the grid in Germany / Deutschland.

Ideally suited for use by walkers, hikers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. It is recommended that you should always carry a map and physical compass when on outdoor pursuits.

Use in an open space, where possible, away from trees, buildings and sources of interference.

The screen can, optionally, be set to stay on, for continued on-screen display of Grid Reference information.

Compatible with handsets that feature GPS hardware. You may have to grant the app permission to use this information.

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Users can opt to Remove All Ads from the App, via an In-App Purchase.

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