Key Details of Do Not Disturb - silence calls by locations and groups

  • Welcome to Do Not Disturb on steroids! If you want Do Not Disturb to do more than just silence calls from a single pre-defined group of contacts,...
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  • There have been 4 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Do Not Disturb - silence calls by locations and groups 0/1

Developer's Description

Welcome to Do Not Disturb on steroids! If you want Do Not Disturb to do more than just silence calls from a single pre-defined group of contacts,...
Welcome to Do Not Disturb on steroids! If you want Do Not Disturb to do more than just silence calls from a single pre-defined group of contacts, this is the app for you! Here's the list of things you can do with this app - 1. Classify your contacts into groups for easier management. Create as many groups as you want. Add a contact to multiple groups as needed.2. Create profiles (such as work, home, vacation) to allow / disallow one or more groups. This is like creating multiple Do Not Disturb settings.3. Activate profiles with one tap anytime and let the app do the rest i.e. silence calls from contacts which are not allowed as per the profile.4. Or tag profiles to locations. And let the AUTO mode in the app activate or de-activate the profile to silence calls as you enter or exit the location.5. The app comes with a widget, which lets you manage AUTO mode or activate / de-activate profiles conveniently.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with . iTunes account required.
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