Rails API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search the Rails API.
WindowsGoogle Web Toolkit
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search within the Google Web Toolkit API.
WindowsStandard Template Library
FreeAdd support to the Omnibox to search the C++ STL.
WindowsClosure API Search
FreeAdd an option to the omnibox to search the Google Closure APIs.
WindowsPython Search
FreeAdd support to the Omnibox to search Python reference documentation.
WindowsGuava API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search within the Guava API.
WindowsSpring API Search
FreeAdd support to the Omnibox to search within the Spring API.
WindowsUNIX Manual Pages
FreeAdd support to the Omnibox to search UNIX manual pages.
WindowsGData API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search within the GData API for Java.
WindowsJava API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search within the Java API.
WindowsPyGData API Search
FreeAdd an option to the omnibox to search the GData API for Python.
WindowsQuick Links
FreeGet a quick menu for accessing useful and popular website bookmark shortcuts.
WindowsJavaScript API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search the JavaScript API.
WindowsRuby API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search the Ruby API.
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search the AS3 reference docs.
WindowsPython3 Search
FreeAdd support to search Python 3.0+ reference documentation.
WindowsPHP Search
FreeAdd an option to the omnibox to search the PHP reference docs.
WindowsDevelopment and Coding Search
FreeSearch programming language and API reference documentation.
WindowsAndroid API Search
FreeAdd support to the omnibox to search the Android API.