fish's dotNET
dbMigration .NET
FreeMigrate schema and data between different databases.
WindowsCapture .NET Professional
Trial versionAccess useful tools via multifunctional desktop utility.
WindowsResource .NET 4.0
FreeRefresh embedded graphic resources in a .NET assembly.
WindowsDatabase .NET Professional
Trial versionCreate databases, design tables, edit and export data, generate scripts, and run SQL queries.
WindowsDatabase .NET
FreeCreate databases, design tables, edit and export data, generate scripts, and run SQL queries.
WindowsVocabulary .NET
FreeLearn multi-language vocabulary in order to create, edit, and take practice tests.
WindowsLibrary .NET Free
FreeManage personal notes and information.
WindowsCapture .NET Free
FreeAccess useful tools via multifunctional desktop utility.
WindowsConvert .NET
FreeConvert code between various programming languages.
WindowsDictionary .NET
FreeTranslate texts and words between various languages.