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Key Details of Couch Slouch
- Allows your TV's remote to control your Mac, and can also have your Mac and AV system react to one another.
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- There have been 6 updates
Editors’ Review
Users who link their computers to their televisions lack familiar control features. Couch Slouch for Mac attempts to allow a TV remote to control your Mac, but ultimately does not function as intended.
Download and setup completed as expected over a high-speed connection. There did not appear to be any technical support available, however. While no instructions came with the application, they were not necessary due to the easy-to-use menu and simple configuration guide. This walks the user through entering information about how their computer is connected to their television. This requires entering the HDMI port to which the TV is connected. HDMI is the only option, which is a disappointment for those users who use other connections, like VGA. After completing the configuration, the program's main menu is also easy to navigate, with listings for the basic connection that exists. Unfortunately, the program would not recognize the test television, despite trying every configuration option available, meaning the program does not perform as intended. The interface and other options available are interesting, but without the basic television functions, the Couch Slouch for Mac application fails even though it's freeware.
Despite having a well-designed interface and walk through, Couch Slouch for Mac fails to operate as intended, meaning users should look elsewhere for television control applications.
What’s new in version 1.0
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