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Key Details of Breathe & Relax

  • Recommended by Gigaom. Feel better right away with the easy, enjoyable Meditation Oasis Breathe & Relax app. It will help you develop the habit of...
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Developer’s Description

Recommended by Gigaom. Feel better right away with the easy, enjoyable Meditation Oasis Breathe & Relax app. It will help you develop the habit of...
Recommended by Gigaom. Feel better right away with the easy, enjoyable Meditation Oasis Breathe & Relax app. It will help you develop the habit of breathing in a natural, relaxed way throughout the day. Experience stress relief, relaxation and more energy with three simple tools:1 - BREATHING EXERCISE -- This simple voice-guided exercise will help you learn to breath in a natural, easy way. Instead of a complicated exercise in which you have to count, pause, or breathe in a particular way, this exercise uses an intuitive approach. It guides you to tune into your body and discover your own, natural way of breathing. The exercise is pleasurable to do and you'll look forward to doing it rather than feeling it's a chore. 2 - FOUR BREATHING BREAK AUDIOS -- These audios are designed for brief breathing breaks during the day. There are four to choose from, each with a different focus -- Basic Breath Awareness, Deep Breathing, Pleasure Breathing, and Belly Breathing. 3 - BREATHING REMINDERS -- Do you ever notice that you hold your breath when you're concentrating on something or feeling stressed? It's very common! Our muscles tense when stressed and our breathing becomes constricted or even stops. All it takes is a simple reminder to get you to relax and breathe more deeply. You can choose when you wish to be reminded, and choose from voice prompts, sounds or use the silent mode and receive visual reminders only. *****************************Created by Mary Maddux, MS, HTP and Richard Maddux, best known for their popular Meditation Oasis podcast and CDs. Mary and Richard bring over 30 years of meditation practice and teaching to the creation of their guided meditations and music. In addition to teaching meditation, Mary has worked in both conventional and alternative settings as a counselor and healing arts practitioner. Richard has played and composed music all of his life. His music is composed especially for meditation, relaxation and healing.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with iPod Touch (3rd generation or later, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPad. iTunes account required.
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