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Key Details of Tamil Astrology

  • Get an astrology reading based on the principles of Tamil Astrology online.
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Developer’s Description

Get an astrology reading based on the principles of Tamil Astrology online.
Tamil astrology is based on the Vedic astrology principles, but is unique in its ways of interpreting and predicting results. While Common Vedic astrology focuses on your moon sign, Tamil astrology readings consider nakshatra or birth star position in your natal chart.The nakshatra position in your birth chart has certain unique character and personality attributes. Your behavioral pattern is also influenced by the position of nakshatra. Free Tamil astrology readings can let you know your nakshatra and also explains how your nature and personality traits are determined by the nakshatra position.Tamil astrology has a unique approach towards time. It divides time in five phases that they call Panch Pakshi panch meaning five and pakshi meaning birds. The five birds of time help you set the right time to do any important work. The names of the birds in Panch Pakshi include vulture, peacock, owl, rooster and crow. Each of them has 2 hours and 24 minutes of time once in the day and once in the night. These pakshis are responsible for 5 tasks namely: eating, sleeping, walking, ruling and dying. Your panch pakshi is calculated based on your birth place, ascendant and birth star.The compatibility between your ruling planet and nakshatra is also a very important factor. While getting a free Tamil astrology reading, this aspect must be considered.

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