Key Details of STAreader

  • Najnoveje novice o dogajanju v Sloveniji in po svetu s STA boste vedno in povsod na tekoem.Sledite aktualnemu dogajanju s pomojo enega najbolj...
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  • There have been 4 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for STAreader
STAreader 0/1

Developer’s Description

Najnoveje novice o dogajanju v Sloveniji in po svetu s STA boste vedno in povsod na tekoem.Sledite aktualnemu dogajanju s pomojo enega najbolj...
Najnoveje novice o dogajanju v Sloveniji in po svetu s STA boste vedno in povsod na tekoem.Sledite aktualnemu dogajanju s pomojo enega najbolj izrpnih in hitrih virov novic v Sloveniji. Mobilna aplikacija STAm omogoa hiter in enostaven dostop do bogatega nabora novic Slovenske tiskovne agencije (STA) prek mobilnega telefona ali tablinega raunalnika.Z aplikacijo STAm boste vedno prvi obveeni o novicah iz Slovenije, sveta, gospodarstva, porta in kulture ter drugih podroij. Profesionalnim uporabnikom so na voljo tudi napovedniki dogodkov, sporoila urednitvom in druge podobne vsebine.STAm v sodobno zasnovanem uporabnike vmesniku omogoa tudi vrsto nepogreljivih funkcionalnosti, kot so personalizacija prikazanega nabora novic, obveanje o novicah s poljubno izbranimi kljunimi besedami in iskalnik po arhivu novic. Za ve informacij se obrnite na latest news from Slovenia and around the world. STA keeps you on top of current events, always and anywhere.Follow the latest events with one of the most comprehensive and fastest news sources in Slovenia. The STAm mobile app gives you fast and simple access to the entire Slovenian Press Agency (STA) news wire on your mobile device.Be the first to read politics, business, sports and other news from Slovenia and around the globe. Professional users also have access to schedules of events, updates for newsroom managers, and other special services.Boasting a sleek and modern user interface, the STAm app has advanced functionalities that allow you to personalise your news selection, set up keywords for notifications, or search the news archive.For more information visit

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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