iOS Apps for Security Software
FreeBlock ads, restore access to blocked content, safeguard your privacy online.
iOSAvira Mobile Security
FreeGive yourself and your beloved iPhone a fighting chance.
iOSAiseesoft iPhone Password Manager
Trial versionKeep all the passwords under your control.
FreeAccess blocked and restricted content from anywhere in the world on your iOS device.
FreeMonitor applications of your children's mobile devices.
iOSCrystal - Block Ads, Browse Faster
PaidBlocks ads, user tracking and improves speed, data use, and battery life.
iOSAirDroid Parental Control
FreeMonitor and manage children's devices better.
FreeProtect your device from spam.
iOSNQ Mobile Vault
FreeProtect your personal data from wrong hands.
iOSZorro VPN
Trial versionConnect to high speed and ultra secure VPN for safe and private Internet browsing.
iOSDigital private vault
FreeHide all your personal data in one place.
iOSKovurt VPN
FreeSurf the Web via encrypted VPN on your iOS device.
FreeEnforce your company's mobile device security.
iOSVault Secure Pro
FreeKeep Personal photo and secret video privately in a safe data vault.
iOSCargo VPN
FreeBrowse the internet through secure and private VPN proxy.
FreeGenerate strong passwords, autofill password forms, and keep passwords in full security.
iOSVPN Patron - Super VPN Master
FreeGet protected from hackers and snoopers on public WiFi connections and surf freely.
iOSNice Generator Lite
FreeGenerate random passwords and phrases.
PaidMake your personal information private, manage and share it securely.
iOSVirtual Halo
FreeNotify user's emergency contacts letting them know the nearest street address.
iOSEasy Video Locker
FreeProtect and store your private and personal videos from everyone.
iOSTrack My Mac
FreeTrack and lock your missing Mac with your iPhone.
iOSVoxx Pro
Trial versionBring a high level of privacy and security to your iPhone.
iOSDateScan - Dating Safety App
FreeMake dating safer, escape awkward situations, store important data, and check offender registries.