Key Details of Month Planner

  • The month planner is a simple app to help you plan your expenses. It also prevents you from forgetting the payments.Just set the basic template and...
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  • There have been 5 updates
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    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Developer’s Description

The month planner is a simple app to help you plan your expenses. It also prevents you from forgetting the payments.Just set the basic template and...
The month planner is a simple app to help you plan your expenses. It also prevents you from forgetting the payments.Just set the basic template and thats it. Each month can be adjusted according to the current payments. When the payment is done, delete the appropriate row and see how much money you will need till the end of your period.With the app you can determine if in the current month you can afford to buy something. You just need to know your account balance and than subtract it from the total row for any given month. And voila! you know how much money you can spend.Vdaje jsou jednoduch aplikace, jen slou k naplnovn vaich vdaj. Zrove Vm tak pomh nezapomenout na dnou platbu.Na zatku sta pouze upravit vzor vdaj pro vechny msce. Kad msc lze tak jednotliv upravit dle vaich poteb. Pot co provedete platbu, smate ji a hned uvidte kolik penz jet potebujete do konce vmi zvolenho asovho seku.Dky aplikaci si mete jednodue spotat kolik mete nsledujc msc utratit. Sta pouze znt v aktuln zstatek na tu a ten odest od celkovho soutu pro dan msc.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Compatible with . iTunes account required.
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