Key Details of MILES - The Motivational Interactive Learning Enabled Stopwatch

  • M.I.L.E.S. - the Motivational Interactive Learning Enabled Stopwatch.MILES is a stopwatch designed to help parents and carers by motivating their...
  • Last updated on April 20, 2014
  • There have been 3 updates
  • Also available on
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for MILES - The Motivational …
MILES - The Motivational Interactive Learning Enabled Stopwatch 0/1

Developer's Description

M.I.L.E.S. - the Motivational Interactive Learning Enabled Stopwatch.MILES is a stopwatch designed to help parents and carers by motivating their...
M.I.L.E.S. - the Motivational Interactive Learning Enabled Stopwatch.MILES is a stopwatch designed to help parents and carers by motivating their children to complete their everyday tasks in a timely manner.No matter how long the timer is set for, MILES will always audibly count down from 10, reaching 0 when the time is up. This gentle reminder that time is ticking by keeps them focused and on task.If the participants finish before the time runs out they receive stars as rewards. Stars can be redeemable for real world rewards eg. 1 star is worth 1 minute's TV time.Use MILES daily to build up your child's muscle memory for day to day tasks such as eating or getting dressed.MILES comes with multiple voices to choose from, including multiple languages. Why not have your child learn a foreign language while eating their breakfast!MILES the App was written by parents, for parents. Tested on our kids and compatible with yours.Quote - Charlotte, aged 7 years:"MILES helps me to do things faster. Kids will love it!"

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