Key Details of Magzter - The Reading Destination
- * World's largest digital magazine app with 7,500+ magazines! * Read unlimited magazines and premium articles FREE for 30 days!* Voted the #1...
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- There have been 7 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Editors' Review
Magzter streamlines the process of finding your favorite magazines to some degree, putting them all in one interface instead of requiring separate apps in your Newsstand folder. The result is generally very smooth and easy to use, though the initial setup can be time consuming and you will need to register a separate account with Magzter for your purchases. Nonetheless, there is something to be said for having all of your magazines on one screen.
When you open Magzter for the first time, you'll be prompted to follow a number of tutorial steps. Each tutorial walks you through some components of the app, and some of them can be quite long. It's tempting to skip them, but with so many options onscreen, they really are necessary for seamless operation of the app. From there, you can register an account or you can preview a magazine by holding down the cover. Any one issue of a magazine can be previewed on the device, loading the first six pages for you to read. From there, however, you must either purchase an issue or subscribe to the magazine, directly. The selection is varied, with options from both the U.S. and other countries, but the interface is smooth and easy to use, so finding the topics you are looking for is fairly easy.
Magzter is a replacement for individual apps in the Newsstand on your iOS device, and in this way, it works well. It compiles all of your magazine purchases into a single interface that loads quickly and can be transferred easily to other devices. The result is a quick-operating, easy-to-use app with dozens of magazines to choose from.