Key Details of Kallxo

  • Platforma online sht projekt i prbashkt i organizatave Internews Kosova, Rrjeti Ballkanik i Gazetaris Hulumtuese dhe Agjensionit...
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  • There have been 1 updates
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    Clean (it's extremely likely that this software program is clean)

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Kallxo 0/4

Developer's Description

Platforma online sht projekt i prbashkt i organizatave Internews Kosova, Rrjeti Ballkanik i Gazetaris Hulumtuese dhe Agjensionit...

Platforma online sht projekt i prbashkt i organizatave Internews Kosova, Rrjeti Ballkanik i Gazetaris Hulumtuese dhe Agjensionit Kundr Korrupsion.

Platforma ofron mundsin pr t gjith qytetart e Kosovs q t raportojn rastet e korrupsionit, krimit t organizuar, mashtrimit, konfliktit t interesit si dhe t gjitha rastet e tjera t keqprdorimit t pozits zyrtare.

Ne zotohemi q t'i hulumtojm rastet e raportuara duke e ruajtur identitetin e raportuesve, duke i verifikuar t githa faktet sipas starndardeve m t larta t gazetaris hulumtuese, t'i publikojm t gjeturat tona dhe do t krkojm nga institucionet relevante t ndrmarrin hapa ligjor sipas mandatit t tyre.

The online platform is a joint project of the organisations Internews Kosova, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and Anti Corruption Agency.

The platform offers opportunities for all Kosovo citizens to report on corruption, fraud, conflict of interest as well as on other cases such as abuse of official position.

We are committed to investigate the reported cases while protecting the identity of those who report, fact checking and applying the highest standards of investigative journalism, publish our findings and request proper legal measures from relevant institutions.

Online platforma je zajedniki projekat organizacija Internews Kosova, Balkanske Mree Istraivakog Novinarstva i Agencije Protiv Korupcije.

Platforma prua mogunost svim kosovskim gradjanima da prijavljuju sluajeve korupcije, organizovanog kriminala, prevare, sukoba interesa, kao i sve druge sluajeve zloupotrebe slubenog poloaja.

Mi se zalaemo da emo istraiti prijavljene sluajeve i pritom tititi identitet dojavljivaa uvaajui najvie standarde istraivakog novinarstva, da emo objaviti nalaze i traiti poduzimanje odgovarajuih zakonskih mera od nadlenih institucija.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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