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Key Details of Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh)

  • It is more than three decades since the foundation of the two Interuniversal (totally holistic way of viewing human being) complementary medicines...
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Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh) 0/1

Developer’s Description

It is more than three decades since the foundation of the two Interuniversal (totally holistic way of viewing human being) complementary medicines...
It is more than three decades since the foundation of the two Interuniversal (totally holistic way of viewing human being) complementary medicines of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" by Dr Mohamad Ali Taheri in Iran, and during this period, "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" have successfully passed their experiential phases. Faradarmani considers the treatment of diseases which are categorized in the field of Medicine, whilst Psymentology (holistic mind-psychology); considers the treatment of disorders in the field of Psychiatry. "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology" are qualitative treatment methods which absolutely have no quantitative intervention (such as prescription or change of medication dose, physical examination and so on) in patient's treatment, whilst having absolutely no side effects. Due to the unique effectiveness of these treatment methods among different types of complementary medicines; it has attracted the attention of many medical doctors and health service professionals through the past two decades. Currently extensive research is going on by the professional groups of scientists, medical doctors, and psychologists about the effects of these two complementary medical branches on humans, animals, and plants even in Laboratory environment and at the cellular molecular level. Numerous scientific articles and reports have been published about the research results and the effectiveness of these methods on different kinds of diseases. Now, Faradarmani and Psymentology fields of activity have expanded to research groups of "Cellular- Molecular", "Botany", "Veterinary" and "Dentistry". This method is described based on the theory of "The Consciousness Bond" or "Parts having consciousness in common". According to this theory, when a link is established between the "whole" consciousness (The Interuniversal Consciousness) and the consciousness of a "part" [of human being]; the whole consciousness -via the consciousness of the mind- is capable of correcting, repairing and curing the mind, psyche and body thus healing and recovery will take place. Consciousness of the "parts" includes the consciousness of countless different components which comprise human being. The "whole" consciousness is the awareness and intelligence leading the universe. It must be mentioned that up till now, three Honorary Doctorates, "Officer" sign from Belgium Brussels' Royal Palace (Capital of European Union) and several other awards from 6 different countries across the world have been rewarded to Dr Mohamad Ali Taheri for founding the two complementary and alternative medicines of "Faradarmani" and "Psymentology".

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iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with: iphone3gs, iphone4, ipodtouchfourthgen, ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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