Key Details of Digital Atlas Identify

  • Install Digital Atlas Identify on your iOS device.
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Digital Atlas Identify 0/4

Developer's Description

Install Digital Atlas Identify on your iOS device.

This app enables you to upload your own fossil photos for taxonomic identification. You can take pictures of the specimens from inside that or choose them from your photo library. Once the photo is upload a professional Paleontologists will identify the specimen taxonomically and the new identification will be displayed in the application. You can choose to make it available to the wider Community by making it "public", then it will display in the Feed screen of the app.

The new version (1.0) of the Digital Atlas Identify App is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to principal investigators Dr. Bruce S. Lieberman (University of Kansas), Dr. Jonathan Hendricks (Paleontological Research Institution), Dr. Laurie Anderson (South Dakota School of Mines & Technology), Dr. Susan Butts (Yale University), Dr. Talia Karim (University of Colorado), Dr. Neil Landman (American Museum of Natural History), Dr. Rowan Martindale (University of Texas), Dr. Cori Myers (University of New Mexico), and Dr. Laura Wilson (Fort Hays State University). The grant is titled: "The Cretaceous World TCN: Digitizing Fossils to Reconstruct Evolving Ecosystems in the Western Interior Seaway" (TCN stands for Thematic Collections Network).

Version 1.0 of the app was supported by a grant to Dr. Bruce S. Lieberman (University of Kansas), Dr. Alycia Stigall (Ohio University), and Dr. Jonathan Hendricks (San Jose State University) entitled, "Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography - Creating a PALEONICHES-TCN

This project is related to a broader natural history specimen digitization effort supported by the National Resource for Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) called Integrated Digitized Biocollections, or iDigBio.

The main portal page for the Digital Atlas of Ancient Life project can be accessed at For additional information about the project, please see the recently published open-access paper by Hendricks, Stigall, and Lieberman (2015) in Palaeontologia Electronica. The individual websites can be accessed at: Ordovician Atlas, Pennsylvanian Atlas, and Neogene Atlas, and Cretaceous Atlas

Funding for development and construction of this app was provided by the National Science Foundation (EF-1206757, EF-1206769, EF-1206750, and DBI-1602067, DBI-1601878, DBI-1645520, DBI-1601729, DBI-1601884, DBI-1601994, DBI-1602101.

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Full Specifications

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Operating System
iOS 12.1.2
Additional Requirements
Requires iOS 13.2 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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