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Working Solutions International

Working Solutions International ( makes, sells, and supports the Returnable Forms data management system. With it, you can 1) Design electronic forms rapidly and easily. 2) Distribute them for free by posting them on a website or sending them by email.3) Allow anyone to compete and SAVE their forms, using the free Returnable Forms Reader.4) Process the returned forms with our utilities. Our Form Processor transfers a form's data into a database, building the database if necessary. Our Workflow Engine does document analysis, messaging, and routing, in addition to the above data transfer. Returnable Forms are superior to the leading forms because (1) our users can save their data for free, and (2) all forms are data-aware by definition.Returnable Forms are superior to HTML forms because (1) printing is WYSIWYG, (2) they are much faster and easier to build, (3) Returnable Forms build and attach to their own databases with no extra coding.