TopCMM Software
123 Flash Chat Module for Drupal
Trial versionAdd a live chat room to Drupal with thirteen skins, multiple languages and users single sign-on.
WindowsPhpfox Chat Module
FreeAdd a chat software to your phpFox CMS.
Windows123 Flash Chat Module for PHP-Nuke
Trial versionGet a live chat room with PHP-Nuke database seamlessly integrated.
FreeSend chat messages to your friends.
Windows123 Flash Chat Module for phpBB
FreeAdd live chat rooms for phpBB forums seamlessly, user fully integrated.
Windows123 Flash Chat Module for Moodle
Trial versionAdd a chat room based on Java server and Flash client to Moodle.
Windows123 Flash Chat
Trial versionAdd live chat rooms to websites.
Mac123FlashForum Server
FreeAdd Flash-based forum to your Web site.
WindowsSWFKit Pro
Trial versionCreate your own 32-bit Windows applications from flash.
Windows123 Flash Chat Module for Wordpress
Trial versionAdd an easy and flexible chat room to your WordPress blog.
Windows123 Web Messenger
Trial versionEmbed instant messaging service into your Web site.
Windows123 Web Messenger (Linux)
PaidAdd a Facebook-like IM to your Web site, fully customizable, users single sign-on