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MaheshaBSD is a (LiveCD/DVD/USB) modular toolkit! You can make a bootable USB stick with it; copy files to and from any computer running copies of MaheshaBSD, etc. It is not the 1001st distribution, neither the 101st one, as it is nothing more than just pure FreeBSD. It has, too, an educational purpose. Slackware Linux (with its tgz packages), or Debian Linux (with its deb packages) substantially differ from one another in many respects. MaheshaBSD does not differ from FreeBSD - it is just FreeBSD; not even the beastie (boot up) logo is changed. Technically, Linux is the kernel only and (Open, Net, Free)BSD is the kernel plus the base system - this difference is of a great significance! As long as you use the base system of FreeBSD from - no matter what sits on its top, it is FreeBSD (not a distribution of FreeBSD). With Linux and different libraries sitting on its top and different packagers everywhere, you work in a different (more chaotic) world.