Hamster Force Multimedia Ltd.
Mental Abacus Book 2
PaidMental Abacus Book 2 focuses on advanced abacus topics, and it is a complete learning package on multiplication and division. Every concept and...
iOSAbacus Trainer
PaidAbacus Trainer is a question generator made in accord with the abacus skills acquired in addition and subtraction. It provides a whole range of...
iOSThumbtack Painter
FreeThumbtack Painter, one of our creative series kit apps, enables children to create, share and save their creative works. They can make their very...
iOSMental Abacus
PaidMental Abacus is a self-learning package for fundamentals to mixed addition and subtraction.
AndroidMental Abacus Book 3
PaidMental Abacus Book 3 is a bible on rapid calculations.