Aleksandar Josifoski
Note Shell
FreeMaintain text note files in tree like structure.
WindowsAny Text File
FreeRead text files sentence by sentence.
WindowsMovie Bible
FreeExplore the world of the Bible in different languages.
WindowsSimple Bible Game
FreeAnswer random Bible questions.
WindowsSimple Bible Puzzle
FreeHide some letters from Bible verse.
FreeCheck the DNS live for every 60 seconds.
WindowsStart Timer
FreeRun or count timer for given time.
WindowsBible random verse for mobile phones
FreeFind random verse from selected play.
FreeNote small text or short data required.
FreeMake tests and score on your computer through LAN.
WindowsTiny Diary
FreeMaintain daily notes, memo, or events.
WindowsHidden sentence
FreeHide a sentence or text in letters and dashes.