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Key Details of Barcelona travel guide & free offline city map - momondo places

  • Barcelona travel guide and free offline city map find things to do in Barcelona with momondo places.Want to see Barcelona at its best? Weve...
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Developer’s Description

Barcelona travel guide and free offline city map find things to do in Barcelona with momondo places.Want to see Barcelona at its best? Weve...
Barcelona travel guide and free offline city map find things to do in Barcelona with momondo places.Want to see Barcelona at its best? Weve uncovered the most unique spots of the city, and colour-coded them by ambience. Its never been easier or as much fun to find the best places that match your interests and wants. You dont need to worry about data charges either, as the entire app including navigation with GPS is 100% offline. DISCOVER HIDDEN GEMSWeve scoured Barcelona for those special places and handpicked over 200 of the best for the travel guide. From fabulous Barcelona sights, shops, boutiques and markets, to local diners, restaurants, cafs, bars and hotels.SORT BY MOODWeve colour-coded all places by their ambience to make things easier for you to navigate: Red for romance, couples, and love Pink for bars, clubs and parties Green for family fun Yellow for authentic local tips Blue for galleries, museums, and architecture Purple for spoiling yourself with a little luxuryCOLLECT YOUR FAVOURITESCreate your own personal travel collection by making lists from your favourites100% OFFLINEAll the content is free and once a guide has been downloaded, its available offline in its entirety even the maps and the GPS. You never have to worry about Wi-Fi or your data.OTHER CITIES Amsterdam, Netherlands Bangkok, Thailand Berlin, Germany Copenhagen, Denmark Hong Kong Lisbon, Portugal London, United Kingdom Moscow, Russia New York, United States Paris, France Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rome, Italy More cities coming soon!Please note that our city guides are not optimised for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and older devices.

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iOS 12.1.2
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Compatible with: ipad2wifi, ipad23g, iphone4s, ipadthirdgen, ipadthirdgen4g, iphone5, ipodtouchfifthgen, ipadfourthgen, ipadfourthgen4g, ipadmini, ipadmini4g
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