Key Details of App Uninstaller - Uninstall and Remove any app

  • App Uninstaller is a app which helps you to remove or uninstall single or multiple app in one time from your android device phones.
  • Last updated on
  • There have been 7 updates
  • Virus scan status:

    Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)

Enlarged image for App Uninstaller - Uninsta…
App Uninstaller - Uninstall and Remove any app 0/4

Developer’s Description

App Uninstaller is a app which helps you to remove or uninstall single or multiple app in one time from your android device phones.

App Uninstaller is a app which helps you to remove or uninstall single or multiple app in one time from your android device phones. This will make Remove application easily by one click of button.

Sometime you not able to Uninstall some unauthorized application from your device also you will not get uninstall option on some app but with this app you can remove any app even unauthorized app from your device and get more free space and free from bugs apps.

Download It For Free


- Easy to use

- Free to download and use

- Unlimited use

- Single & batch (multi-app) uninstall

- One click remove application

- Search apps from search bar

- Show app name, version, size using

- Short application by name, size & install date


- Uninstall android apps

- Remove android apps

- Delete apps data from device

- Uninstaller

Useful For

- Remove bugs app

- Uninstall Freezing app

- Not able to uninstall from standard method

- Get for space by remove unused apps.

- Uninstall system apps


Q:- How to uninstall android app? How to remove apps android ?

A:- Check one or more apps that you want to uninstall, then tap the uninstall button.

Q:- Why can't it list pre-loaded apps?

A:- Pre-loaded apps cannot be uninstalled, only if your phone is rooted, you can search "root uninstall" in Google market.

Q:- Why are some apps not on the list?

A:- Try to click "Menu"->"Refresh" to clean the cache and re-load the app list.

Q:- Why can't I close the app?

A:- The notification bar icon is used for quick start of the app. If you don't want the notification bar icon shown after you exit the app, you can just disable it in the settings. Click "Menu"->"Setting", uncheck the "Notification Bar Icon" checkbox.

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