Realistic 3D animated dolphins swim in deep blue rippling waters near colorful coral reefs. They spin and swim up, down and across the ocean floor near colorful corals and up and away into the vastness of the ocean. A wonderful gift for ocean lovers. Contains animated gif files rendered in 3D, video of real ocean water, and rendered stills of colorful corals. Has password protection. Want a soothing nighttime scene? Just set the time of day to nighttime and a dark shadowy blue hue is cast on everything. Prefer a dusky sunset scene? The dusk setting produces a deep orange hue. Demo contains full set of features. Have fun customizing this screen saver to your preferences. In addition to tint, brightness, time of day settings, sound mute and volume control you can play your own mp3 music. Also available as part of a set at a significant per screen saver discount.
Version 4.2 corrects control panel settings.