zhandos uakanov
GangMoji - Gangster Emoji Keyboard
PaidGangMoji is a custom emoji keyboard that lets you express yourself in ways that other keyboard don't.
iOSOilfield Emoji
PaidOilfield Emoji is a custom emoji keyboard that lets you express yourself in ways that other keyboard don't.Oilfield Emoji features custom emojis...
iOSOilField Formulas for iHandy Calc.
PaidUpdated. Added more than 250 oilfield calculators. Aims of this application to make ease the life of Oilfield specialist and Petroleum, Mud...
iOSOilField Coiled Tubing Data
PaidOilField Coiled Tubing Data application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas exploration and Coiled Tubing Operations. OilField...
iOSOilField Downhole Tools
PaidAims of this application to make support for Oilfield Downhole Specialist by providing correct information as formulas,type of DHT and other...
iOSOilField iHandbook
PaidOilField iHandbook application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas exploration and drilling. OilField iHandbook has most useful...
iOSWell Cementer Tool
PaidWell Cementer Tool application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas well cementing service. Well Cementer Tool has most useful...
iOSOilField Annular Volume Pro
PaidOilfield Annular Volume Pro is made for the oilfield personnel but it can be used by anyone who needs to calculate the annular volume between two...
PaidOilField ECD Pro is designed for oilfield specialist and mud engineers to calculate equivalent circulating density. Choose the type of units with...