Yves Pelletier
YP Vernier
Paidsimulates a vernier caliper on the screen to help learn how to use it
MacYP Geneva Mechanism
Paidsimulates a Geneva mechanism with 4 or 6 slots
MacYP Simple Pendulum
Paiddisplay kinematics & dynamics of a simple pendulum
MacYP Image
Paidgeometric tool: explains image formation by mirrors & thin lenses
MacYP Reflection
Paidsimulates the reflection of a laser ray on plane mirrors
MacYP Waves
Paidsimulates up to 3 traveling sine waves to learn about wave funtions
MacYP Atwood
Paidsimulates a pulley to study it's kinematics/dynamics
MacYP Rectilinear
Paidplot a graph of velocity as a function of time
MacYP DC Circuits
Paidutility to build and test a virtual circuit