PaidFreeze the hidden bees, otherwise they will walk all around the honeycomb confusing you.
PaidGather all the jewels you ever wanted, no lottery involved
PaidPick a letter from the alphabet, add it on any side of an existing word, and try to make the longest word possible.
WindowsCross Image
PaidFind the hidden picture by using logic and deducting where the number of filled in squares should be placed according to the cross-reference numbers that are given.
WindowsCross Numbers
PaidTry finding the right number combination that fits into the crossword puzzle grid.
WindowsSmart CyberFly
PaidPlay a post apocalypse board/strategy game.
WindowsSmart CyberFly (for extended use)
PaidPlay a post apocalypse board/strategy game.
WindowsXdyne's Rollout
PaidRearrange the cube and a variety of specific patterns until they are in their proper order.
WindowsWord Pileon (for Extended Use)
PaidClimb the ancient Stairway to Word Pileon.
WindowsCross Image Add-On Library #1
PaidAdd more than 100 new images to your current Cross Image installation.
WindowsCross Image Add-On Library #6
PaidAdd over 100 new images to Cross Image.
WindowsCross Image Add-On Library #2
PaidAdd over 100 new images to Cross Image.
WindowsWord Pileon
PaidClimb the ancient Stairway to Word Pileon.
PaidPlay the deadly sea creature board game of Lagoon.
WindowsXdyne's Cube
PaidSpin and turn 3x3 puzzle cube with 27 squares in 3D view.
PaidPlay an enchanting fairy tale arcade game.
WindowsCross Image Add-On Library #5
PaidAdd over 100 new images to Cross Image.
WindowsCross Image Add-On Library #3
PaidAdd over 100 new images to Cross Image.
WindowsXdyne's Rollout (for extended use)
PaidRearrange the cube and a variety of specific patterns until they are in their proper order.