Susumu Hoshikawa
1st Volume for Free !! Mushoi
FreeMushoi Medical Record of Women's Prison ===============You can enjoy the 1st volume for free! The 2nd volume or later will be offered for a fee....
iOSUmizaru -Japanese Comics-
FreeThe familiar work in movies and dramas...
iOS1st Volume for Free !! Finland Saga
Free===============You can enjoy the 1st volume for free! The 2nd and the 3rd volume are offered for a fee.==============="Everyone has something to...
iOS1st Volume for Free !! Tokko no Shima
Free=====================Thank you for waiting!We added the latest 7th volume.=====================The Pacific War, human torpedoes, the Battle of...
iOS1st Volume for Free !! New Give My Regards to Black Jack
FreeThank you for waiting!This is an app of "New Give My Regards to Black Jack," which is the sequel to "Give My Regards to Black Jack," a master piece...
iOSGive My Regards to Black Jack -and other free contents !! -
FreeALL volumes of English-translated "Give My Regards to Black Jack" are now available on iPhone/iPad app FOR FREE!"Give My Regards to Black Jack" is...