EPPP Flash Cards
Paid*Rated 1 of the 15 best psychology apps by!*DSM-5 content has been added! While ASPPB does not plan to integrate DSM-5...
iOSEPPP Flash Cards Lite
Free*This is a free "Lite" version of StudyPsych's EPPP Flash Card Set, developed to provide potential users of the full version an idea of the quality...
iOSNeuropsychology & Abnormal Psychology
Paid***For a more comprehensive set of flash cards at a great price, consider our EPPP Flash Cards app, which covers multiple content areas***NOTE: If...
iOSClinical, Developmental, & Social Psychology
Paid***For a more comprehensive set of flash cards at a great price, consider our EPPP Flash Cards app, which covers multiple content areas***NOTE: If...
iOSResearch Design, Statistics, & Test Construction
PaidHOLIDAY PRICING: We've cut the price of this app from $7.99 to $4.99!***For a more comprehensive set of flash cards at a great price, consider our...
iOSLearning Theory & Intelligence Testing
Paid***For a more comprehensive set of flash cards at a great price, consider our EPPP Flash Cards app, which covers multiple content areas***NOTE: If...
iOSEPPP Flash Cards
Paid*Rated 1 of the 15 best apps in 2012 by!* Recent email from a new user: "I feel like I was cheated by [large/expensive EPPP...
AndroidEPPP Practice Tests
Paid***For a more comprehensive set of flash cards at a great price, consider our EPPP Flash Cards app, which covers multiple content areas***NOTE: If...
iOSEthics, I/O Psychology, & Community Psychology
Paid***For a more comprehensive set of flash cards at a great price, consider our EPPP Flash Cards app, which covers multiple content areas***NOTE: If...