LUKB Paymit
FreeLUKB Paymit ist ein mobiles Zahlungsmittel. Die App ermglicht Ihnen das bargeldlose Bezahlen per Smartphone von Privatperson zu Privatperson, im...
iOSSIX Paymit
FreePaymit is not just an app: it is a mobile payment system. It makes it possible for any private individual, using a smartphone, to make cashless...
iOSRaiffeisen Paymit
FreeRaiffeisen Paymit Kostenlos Geld senden, anfordern und empfangen.Geld mit dem Smartphone senden, anfordern und empfangen? Jetzt kostenlos mit der...
iOSmCashier by SIX
FreeDo your customers often turn up at your store with an empty wallet? mCashier to the rescue! mCashier turns your everyday Smartphone into a handy...
iOSSIX iD Mobile
FreeSIX iD Mobile for iPhones and iPads: The Markets are mobile. So are we. Stay in touch with the financial markets 24 hours a day. With SIX iD...