Pro Certs Software Ltd
Power Capacitors
FreeWith this free app from power capacitors you can calculate your current electrical systems power factor rating, the kVAr correction required and...
iOSOhms Law
PaidOhms Law calculator for calculating V I R formulas. Enter any input value V, I or R and let the app do the math. V is for volts, I is for current...
iOSkVA Calculator
PaidNot compatible with ios8. With the kVA Electrical Calculator for iPhone and iPad you can calculate either to or from kVA, kW, Amps, Volts or Power...
iOSCable Calc
PaidCable size calculator for your iPhone and iPad. Calculate the required cable sizes for various types of cables and protective devices to BS...
PaidWatts to Amps app is an electrical conversion, calculator, converter tool which will calculate the electrical current of Ampres (Amps) of any...
iOSR1+R2 Zs Ze Calculator
FreeCalculates R1+R2, Zs or Ze with ease. Input any two values to calculate the other. Calculate ZsCalculate ZeCalculate R1+R2Check your measured...
iOSMax Zs Values
PaidCalculate maximum permitted Zs values (earth loop impedance) as per BS7671, also includes temperature adjusted values.Using the picker wheel select...
iOSWatts Amps Volts Calculator
PaidWatts Amps Volts Calculator is an electrical app based on ohms law for the iPhone, iPod and iPad.Calculate either to or from any of the following:+...
iOSPro Certs
FreeElectrical certification software for Android tablets.
AndroidElectrical Tools
PaidElectrical software for your mobile device. Electrical tools and reference for your iPhone and iPad. 2015 version.Electrical Tools & Reference app...
iOSWatts 2 Amps Extended
FreeThis free version of Watts to Amps extended app is an electrical app for iphone, ipod and iPad, which will convert the electrical current of Ampres...
iOSFault Current Calculator PFC
FreeFault current calculator for Android devices, calculate to or from PFC, voltage or earth loop impedance.
AndroidWatts Amps Volts Calculator
FreeWatts Amps Volts Calculator for Android devices, calculate and convert to or from electrical units single (1) phase and three (3) phase...
AndroidkVA Calculator
FreekVA Calculator, calculate and convert to and from kVA, Amps, Volts, kW and Power Factor with single and three phase calculations.