Alfabet dla dzieci, polski
PaidAlfabet dla dzieci. Nauka alfabetu z ilustracjami. Literki dla dzieci, polski.Zawierajcy gry i zabawy literowe dla dzieci w wieku od 3 do 7 lat...
iOSAbeceda pre deti
PaidInteraktvna vuka slovenskej abecedy uren pre deti vo veku 4-7 rokov a doplnen krsnymi a vstinmi obrzkami.Aplikcia obsahujem 8 hier:1. Abeceda2. Vek...
iOSSpatial orientation
FreeThis program is based on a simple principle. Children try to place items in the correct position by using the instructions that are said in the...
iOSEnglish audio flashcards
FreeLearn over 500 English words easily. This is also perfect for small children! The application is controlled using pictures, so no reading required....