Parrot SA
FreeFlight Mini
FreePilot your drone via your smartphone or tablet.
AndroidFreeFlight 3
FreePARROT CLOUD. By becoming a member of Parrot Cloud, you can keep track of all your adventures and connect with other drone pilots. Share your...
iOSFreeFlight Jumping
FreeThe official app for Parrot Jumping Minidrones.
AndroidFreeFlight 3 for Windows 10
FreeIMPORTANT: Requires Windows 8.1.
WindowsParrot Zik
FreeUse the Parrot Zik application to easily modify the configuration and settings of your Parrot Zik headset (2.0 and 3).
AndroidFreeFlight 3
Free1 App, Parrot Drones & MinidronesPILOT YOUR DRONE VIA YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLETGet FreeFlight 3, the free and official app to pilot Parrot Drones...
iOSFreeFlight Pro
FreeThe official piloting application for Parrot drones.
AndroidAR.FreeFlight 2.4.15
FreeDiscover and pilot the Parrot AR.
AndroidFreeFlight Thermal
FreeThe official piloting application for Parrot Bebop Thermal drone.
AndroidAR.FreeFlight for Windows 10
FreeDiscover and pilot the Parrot AR.
WindowsParrot Zik
FreeUse the Parrot Zik application to easily modify the configuration and settings of your Parrot Zik headset (2.0 and 3).(Not compatible with the...
iOSParrot MINIKIT Neo 2
Free****** FREE APPLICATION ******Enhance your experience with the suite of applications for the Parrot MINIKIT Neo 2 HD!***** Message for rejected...
iOSAR.Rescue 2
Free*** FREE APPLICATION ***AR.Rescue 2 is an augmented reality game to play with Parrot AR.Drone and AR.Drone 2.0. Help the aliens to gather their...
iOSFreeFlight 1.0
FreeThis application is only compatible with the 1st generation of AR.Drone (not compatible with AR.Drone 2.0, please use another App) This version of...
iOSFreeFlight 6
FreeFreeFlight 6 offers a smoother and more intuitive piloting experience for ANAFI users everywhere thanks to a modernized interface.
iOSAR.Race 2
FreeAR.Race 2 AR.Race2 is now the official App to use for piloting AR.Drone 2.0 with iPhone/iPad. It allows you to choose your preferred flying mode:...
iOSFreeFlight Jumping
FreeThe official app for Parrot Jumping Minidrones.
iOSParrot Flower Power for iPad
FreeWith Parrot Flower Power, anyone can have a green thumb.A free dedicated App* Download the Parrot Flower Power App on your Tablet. The application...
iOSParrot Flower Power
FreeWith Parrot Flower Power, anyone can have a green thumb.A free dedicated App*Download the Parrot Flower Power App on your Smartphone or Tablet. The...
iOSFreeFlight Mini
FreeFreeFLIGHT MINI. The official dedicated app for Parrot Minidrones. PILOT YOUR DRONE VIA YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLET. Get FreeFlight Mini, the free...
iOSNeo App Suite
Free***** FREE APPLICATION *****Enhance your experience with the App Suite for Parrot MINIKIT Neo !To use the App Suite, you must update your Parrot...
iOSParrot Audio Suite
FreeThe Parrot Audio Suite app lets you simultaneously configure the settings for the Zik headphones and the Zikmu Solo speaker designed by...
FreeDiscover and pilot the Parrot AR.Drone and AR.Drone 2.0 from Parrot using the new application, AR.FreeFlight 2.2.INTUITIVE Download AR.FreeFlight...