Unreal Tournament 2003 - Drops Lifetime mod
FreeDetermine how long dropped items exist using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - SuperBots 1.2 mod
FreeMake bots more intelligent with this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Random Respawn Times mod
FreeRandomize the amount of time before items respawn when using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Redeeer Mayhem mod
FreeReplace all powerups with the Redeemer weapon in this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Drop Everything mod
FreeCauses players to drop all their inventory when they die in this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Electricity mod
FreeAdds the Super Shock Rifle with limited ammo to UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Air Dodge mod
FreeDodge projectiles or enemies while in the air using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - No Self-Passing mod
FreePrevent players from using the Translocator to pass the ball to themselves in Bombing Run using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Multi Wall Dodge mod
FreeWalldodge from wall to wall using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Random Player Starting Points mod
FreeSpawn in a random location when using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Booster mod
FreeAdd a booster mod to UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2003 - Carry the Flag mod
FreeGain a lot more options in CTF mode using this mod for UT2003.
WindowsUnreal Tournament 2004 RPG Mutator
FreeUse this mutator to gain experience points as you frag your enemies.