Mortadela Network
AnonymousMe - Wear Anonymous (Guy Fawkes) Mask
FreeAnonymousMe App uses augmented reality to put the Anonymous (Guy Fawkes) over your face!Join the cause! Wear the mask! Share it over social...
iOSCool Mustaches - Free Mustache App
FreeAdd Cool Mustaches to your face, over live camera, using Augmented Reality.You can choose between 20 different mustaches and share the final result...
iOSHealthSync, sync Fitbit to HealthKit
PaidSync your Fitbit data to Health App on your iPhone! Steps, Calories, Distance, Floors... Sync everything!HealthSync will background sync on a daily...
iOSVitamin Logger - Log your vitamin intake into Health App
FreeUse Vitamin Logger to easily log your vitamin intake into Health App.Live a healthier life, take your vitamins properly and log on your...
iOSILoveJazz - Listen to free Jazz mp3 music for free!
FreeWith ILoveJazz you can listen to free Jazz radio stations from all over the world.Radios from Germany, France, Romania, Argentina, Brazil...Enjoy...
iOSILoveHouseMusic - Free house music mp3 streaming app
FreeILoveHouseMusic is a free app where you will listen to the best of House Music from radios all over the world.Radios from Germany, France, Romania,...
iOSGif Animado - Create Animated Gifs
FreeCreate cool animated gifs shooting photos frame-by-frame. Gif Animado allows you to take multiple photos as frames and transform them into a short...
iOSUltraMessage - Create Gif Animated Messages
FreeCreate super duper cool Animated Messages! Just take a bunch of photos and UltraMessage will compile them into an Animated Gif! Frame by frame,...
iOSInspireU - Quotes to Share! Inspire Yourself
FreeFind inspirational quotes and phrases to help your day-to-day routine better! Inspire yourself with images that can pull you up!More than 10.000...
iOSColor Photo - Create colorful images
FreeCreate colorful images with CMYK effect with this app and share over your social networks.You can choose between 10 different effects, frames and...
iOSHydrated for Fitbit - Log your water intake
FreeLog your water intake to Fitbit easier with Hydrated.Fitbit app is a mess when you just need to post your water intake. Too many buttons! Too many...
iOSMask Me HD - Become your favorite character!
FreeMask Me HD is fun and simple to use: 1. Select a face from any photo from your library or built-in camera. 2. Resize & align with the provided eye...
iOSAnimated Flag - From which country is this flag?
FreeFrom which country is this flag? Have fun in an addictive game where you need to find out which country each flag is.
iOSToo Shy To Ask - Question/Answer quiz for Shy or Timidity Boys or Girls! Find a Date NOW! Imediate dating!
FreeToo Shy To Ask is the ultimate help to your timidity. Just type a question and let another person, a boy/girl or a friend, answer and return the...
iOSSiga # - A Genius game with numbers
FreeSiga is a genius game with numbers. Follow the numbers in the right sequence and try to go as far as you can.It is a lot of fun for kids, children,...
iOSILoveClassicalMusic - Free Classical and Piano Music on mp3 streaming
FreeListen to the best Classical and Piano music, for free, via streaming, from all over the world.Radios from Germany, France, Romania, Argentina,...
iOSCensored Free - Add NSFW, Parental Advisory, Classified, Top Secret and other signs to your photos!
FreeWith Censored Free, you can add NSFW, Parental Advisory, Classified, Top Secret and other signs to your photos!Choose between over 30 signs and use...
iOSZipOne - Sync Fitbit Zip or One data to HealthKit
PaidDo you own a Fitbit Zip or Fitbit One?Synchronize all your Fitbit data to HealthKit on your iPhone for further analysis. You walk, run, exercise....
iOSMustacheMe! Cool Moustaches over your face
FreeCheck MustacheMe! on YouTube: DIFFERENT MUSTACHES! YOU MUST CHECK IT OUT :)MustacheMe! is not a...
iOSWith Lasers - Add cool 'With Lasers' effects to your photos!
FreeAdd cool 'With Lasers' effects to your photos, do I need to say more? You can choose between 10 different lasers types and even FLAMES!Download it...
iOSILoveRockNRoll - Free Rock N Roll music from all over the world
FreeWith ILoveRockNRoll you can listen to free Rock N Roll music from all over the world via unlimited streaming.Radios from Germany, France, Romania,...
iOSKaBoOM HQ - Create your own Comic Book, for FREE!
FreeWith KaBoOM you will be able to add Comic Book images to your photos and create your own Comic Book!It is FREE! Try it NOW! :)Thank you!
iOSLeno Futebol
FreeOUA noticias sobre futebol em geral e sobre seu time favorito direto no seu iPhone. Isso mesmo, OUA as notcias.Leno Futebol l as noticias sobre...
FreeHappyloon helps you create beautiful photos with cool Giddy (Giddyfingers) balloons and symbols! Add balloons with coffee cups, books, heart, pets,...