Hot Wheels id
FreeThink you can drive the fastest nail the gnarliest stunts and win the most races. With Hot Wheels id, now you can prove it.
AndroidMega Construx Beyonders
FreeYour new building companion.
iOSMega Construx Beyonders
FreeMega Construx Beyonders is the free building companion app for construction fans of all ages.
AndroidHot Wheels TechMods
FreeApp to be used with Hot Wheels TechMods Remote Controlled Vehicle Only...
AndroidView-Master Wildlife
FreeA View-Master Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required.
AndroidPictionary Air
FreeDraw on air, see it on your device, and cast to the TV in this hysterical new way to play Pictionary, the classic family drawing game.
AndroidDoll'd Up Nails for Windows 10
FreeBarbie, style icon and beauty expert, struts into the app-mosphere with this exciting nail design application - putting her beauty inspiration right at your fingertips.
WindowsBarbie Fashion Closet
FreeCreate fun fashionable styles.
iOSHot Wheels Infinite Loop
FreeNominated for Best Racing Game and Best Mobile Game at Gamescom 2019.
AndroidSmartish Companion
FreeTrivia Game.
iOSHot Wheels id
FreeCollect. Race. Level Up.
iOSComic Maker for Minecraft
FreeMattel Comic Maker.
AndroidBarbie World Explorer
FreeTravel & learn with Barbie.
iOSHot Wheels Infinite Loop
FreeReal-time PvP Racing.
iOSHot Wheels Augmoto
FreeApp to be used with the Hot Wheels Augmoto Reality Racing Track Set.
AndroidBarbie Fashion Fun
FreeBarbie just opened up the ultimate fashion salon and wants you to join her. Create new looks, dress up Barbies friends, and have a blast in this...
AndroidHot Wheels Ultimate Garage
FreeApp to be used with the Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage playset & Hot Wheels id Race Portal...
AndroidRocket League Hot Wheels RC
FreeRC Rivals Set.
iOSJurassic World Facts
FreeOver 60 dinosaurs to collect.
AndroidHot Wheels Augmoto
FreeAugmented Reality Racing.
iOSBarbie World Explorer
FreeExplore the world and travel with Barbie...
AndroidBaby Dragons: Ever After High
FreeThe dragon games have arrived at ever after high.
AndroidRocket League Hot Wheels RC Rivals Set
FreeApp to be used with the Rocket League Hot Wheels RC Rivals Set.
AndroidPictionary Air
FreeDraw on Air. See it on screen.