Magic World Tech
Paranormal Activity Meter - Ghost EMF Detector Pro
FreeGhost EMF detector is a free app to detect any paranormal activities around you.
AndroidBengali Voice Typing Keyboard Bangla keyboard
FreeBengali Voice typing keyboard allows you to type Bengali text through voice typing.
AndroidArabic voice keyboard voice to text
FreeArabic voice keyboard is mainly used to send text messages by your voice in no time or used in all other messaging apps existing in your device...
AndroidFile Manager - File Explorer for Android
FreeNew Exciting Features added.
AndroidGirl Voice Changer - Voice Changer Effects
FreeThe girl voice changer app is made purely for the entertainment, girl voice changer changes your voice into different girl voices.
AndroidRecipe Book : Ramadan Recipes (Special Edition)
FreeThe most delicious handpicked, mouthwatering, special Ramadan recipes in one application.
AndroidPronounce It Right - Word Pronounce Checker
FreeRequirement: Your device need to support TEXT TO SPEECH ENGINE.
AndroidUS Traffic & Road Signs - DMV Driving License Test
FreeUS traffic and road signs app provide complete knowledge and guide for riding a car or bike in US and observing all the road laws to ride.