LearnWeaver Pty Ltd
Tax Depreciation Rate Helper
FreeAustralian Tax Depreciation Rate Helper is a tool that will help you work out the decline in value of assets.Search for an asset in either Table A...
iOSNPV Calculator
PaidNet Present Value Calculator is a tool to help calculate the net present value (NPV) of a time series of cash flows, both incoming and outgoing. It...
iOSTime Teacher Lite - Learn How To Tell Time
FreeTime Teacher is a great way to teach children how to read time. Within this app is a number of activities that will help children develop an...
iOSSight Word Speak
PaidThis app includes the common sight words which are used throughout schools in the younger grades. The application can speak the word to the child...
iOSSight Word Match
PaidSight Word Match includes the common sight words which are used throughout schools in the younger grades.The application will speak the sight word...
iOSBackchannel Chat
FreeBackchannel Chat is a real time discussion tool designed for educational use. It provides teachers with all of the tools to successfully manage a...