Kevin Lieser
RGB / CMYK Converter to PANTONE, RAL and HKS
PaidRGB / CMYK Converter is a tool to convert RGB or CMYK colors to PANTONE, RAL and HKS spot colors combined with a very nice user interface. Slide...
iOSHKS Converter
PaidHKS Converter is a tool to convert HKS K and HKS N spot colors to RGB, CMYK and HEX combined with a very nice user interface. Slide down the Color...
iOSSpeedBuddy - for Google Pagespeed Insights
PaidImprove your website performance and usability with SpeedBuddy!With SpeedBuddy you are easily able to check any website URL with the Google...
iOSRAL Converter
PaidRAL Converter is a tool to convert RAL colors to RGB, CMYK and HEX combined with a very nice user interface. Slide down the Color Panel to pick a...
Paidfor Google Search Console.