K Solution
Hunt Pro - Calls and Solunar
FreeHunt Pro - Calls and Solunar Calendar
AndroidEngine Link LE
FreeEngineLink LE will turn your iPhone/iPod into vehicle / car performance / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses a LELink (low Energy Bluetooth)...
iOSEngine Link -OBD II vehicle monitoring & diagnosis
PaidEngineLink will turn your iPhone/iPod into vehicle / car performance / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II WIFI adapter or a low...
iOSDuck Call Free
FreeTest your skill to bring in Duck.Or entertain your friends with variety of duck call. Featured by Apple as "New & Noteworthy" Duck call is a handy...
iOSBest Fishing Times
PaidBest Fishing Times tells you the best time of the day or night to catch more and bigger fish. You've probably heard that the best times to fish are...
iOSGuitar Pitch Tuner
FreeTune your Guitar or other music instruments as accurate as less than 1Hz. This app is based on robust pitch detection algorithm. It continuously...
iOSBest Hunting Times
PaidThe #1 solunar table app for iPhone. Monthly view, weekly view, and daily view. Animated solar and lunar locations; Animated wind forecast....
iOSRFP - Government Bid & Contract
FreeFind business opportunities on your mobile.Search for the latest bid notices, RFPs and contracting opportunities from the U.S. federal, all states...
iOSLELink2 Config
FreeLELink2 is an engine performance and diagnostics tool for both automotive enthusiasts and professionals.
AndroidEngine Link HD -OBD II vehicle monitor & diagnosis
PaidThe only iOS app does custom PID, now supports Torque custom PID file.
iOSHunt Pro - Calls and Solunar Calendar
FreeHunt Pro integrates crystal clear hunting calls with powerful sound track mixer, Solunar Calendar for best hunting and fishing times, and social...
iOSSolunar Table
PaidSolunar Table for the Best Hunting and Fishing Times. If you like bird watching, hunting, or fishing, have this app handy and it will provide you...
iOSGoose Call Mixer
Paid15 high quality Goose Calls with powerful sound mixer. * Weekly moon phase data and animal activity rating based on Solunar theory.* Set loop...
iOSWaterfowl Call
PaidTest your skill to bring in Goose and Duck.
iOSHunting Call
PaidHunting Call improves your skill to bring in deer, predators, waterfowl, elk, birds and much more.
iOSMode6 OBD Scanner
PaidMode $06 is advanced mode of OBD2/EOBD diagnosis function. It provides real-time monitor of O2 sensor, catalyst sensor, EGR sensor, EVAP sensor,...
iOSTurkey Call Mixer
Paid17 high quality Turkey Calls with powerful sound mixer.
iOSDeer Call & Pro Strategy
Paid18 perfect deer calls and pro strategies in your pocket always with you.* Twilight & Moon Calendar* Weekly moon phase data and animal activity...
iOSHunting Call Remote
FreeThis is the remote app for Hunting call. The remote function allows you to control the call playback by using another iPhone/iPod touch/iPad from a...
iOSAustralian Duck Call
Paid15 perfect duck calls for Australian duck hunting season.Included species:Grey tealPacific black duckMountain duckWood duckFeatures: 15 Perfect...
iOSDeer Call Mixer
Paid18 high quality and most effective deer Calls right in your pocket. You can play them individually. * Weekly moon phase data and animal activity...
iOSDyno Chart - OBD II Engine Performance Tool
FreeDyno Chart is vehicle engine performance evaluation tool, which provides you the information of max power and torque vs RPM. Dyno Chart app uses...
iOSDuck Call Mixer
PaidMore than 10 high quality Duck Calls with powerful sound mixer. * Weekly moon phase data and animal activity rating based on Solunar theory.* Set...
iOSThermoco - Smart Thermometer & Recorder
FreeThis app works with Thermoco.Thermoco is a coin size smart gadget, it measures and records room, fridge, cooler, camping tent, body temperature and...