International Reading Association
Theme Poem
FreeThis app allows users to learn about and write theme poems. A theme poem is a poem written within the shape of subject of the poem, such as writing...
iOSDiamante Poem
FreeIn this app, users can learn about and write diamante poems, which are diamond-shaped poems that use nouns, adjectives, and gerunds to describe...
iOSTrading Cards
FreeReadWriteThinks Trading Cards app allows kids and teens a unique way to share their understanding of various topics, to build study aids for...
iOSHaiku Poem
FreeWith this app, students can learn about and write haiku, a popular Japanese poem that traditionally has three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. They...
iOSRWT Crosswords
FreeReadWriteThink.orgs Crosswords app allows students to play pre-made puzzles. For a list of lessons that use these pre-made puzzles, check out our...