Feral Interactive
GRID 2 Reloaded Edition
PaidBe fast, be first, be famous.
MacROME: Total War
PaidHistory's greatest empire, now in your hands.
iOSBatman: Arkham City GOTY
PaidLearn to master the caped crusader's abilities and try to escape the gothic nightmare.
MacChampionship Manager 03/04 Update
FreeUpdate Championship Manager 03/04 fantasy football (soccer) game.
MacLEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4
PaidPlease check the system requirements below before you buy. Problems with the game? We can help! Visit support.feralinteractive.com and let us...
iOSDiRT Rally
PaidWelcome to rally.
PaidBuild your own power trip.
iOSROME: Total War - Alexander
PaidHistory's greatest military adventures all begin on iPad.
iOSROME: Total War - Alexander
PaidROME: Total War - Alexander is a premium game price $4.99 / 5.49 / 4.99. Please note that the price may vary depending on your region.
AndroidChessmaster 9000
Trial versionPlay a chess game.
MacWarhammer 40K: Dawn of War II
MacROME: Total War - Barbarian Invasion
PaidMenaced by Barbarian hordes, the Roman Empire faces a day of reckoning.
AndroidROME: Total War
PaidExperience the full glory of ROME: Total War on Android.
Trial versionShooter game with a plot of under water violence.
MacWorms 3D Update
FreeUpdate this humorous action/strategy game.
MacSid Meier's Railroads!
PaidAll aboard.
MacSim Theme Park Update
FreeUpdate this amusement park simulation game.
MacLife Is Strange
PaidImmerse yourself in beautifully written adventure where you can rewind time to change the course of events.
MacCompany of Heroes
PaidTake command in World War II.
iOSGRID Autosport
PaidIgnite your high-speed career as a pro-racer in GRID Autosport, engineered to deliver an irresistible mix of simulation handling and arcade...
AndroidGRID Autosport
PaidConsole-quality racing.
iOSTotal War: Shogun 2
PaidRe-unite Japan under your supreme command.
PaidPlease check the system requirements below before you buy. Problems with the game? We can help! Visit support.feralinteractive.com and let us...
iOSBorderlands Game Of The Year
PaidPlease check the system requirements below before you buy. Problems with the game? We can help! Visit support.feralinteractive.com and let us...