Esa Helttula
Visual Fractions Decimals and Percentages
PaidThis math app is about visually exploring how percentages and decimals are just special kinds of fractions with their own notation. There are no...
iOSPartial Quotients Division
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the partial quotients division method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive...
iOSEgyptian Multiplication Method
PaidThis app can be used to teach and study the ancient Egyptian multiplication method. The Egyptian Multiplication MethodAncient Egyptians were able...
iOSWhole Number Rounding
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the rounding of whole numbers. You can set your own problems or solve random problems. The numbers to...
iOSEveryday Column-Addition
PaidThis app can be used to teach and study the alternative column-addition method used in the Everyday Mathematics curriculum developed by the...
iOSEqual Addition Subtraction
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the equal addition subtraction method. The user can solve random or custom subtraction problems with...
iOSFraction Math
PaidThe Fraction Math app can be used to teach and study fractions by solving addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems with...
iOSColumn Division
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the column division method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive interface with...
iOSOrder of Operations by iDevBooks
PaidThis math app is about the concept of order of operations. The user can evaluate random and custom expressions with exponentiation, division,...
iOSLong Multiplication
PaidThis universal app is part of a set of idevbooks math apps. Reviewed by "A Set of Excellent iPhone Math Apps for the Older Child. The...
iOSLattice Multiplication
PaidThis app can be used to teach and study the ancient lattice multiplication method. Solving lattice multiplication problems is also excellent times...
iOSSame-Change Subtraction
PaidThis app can be used to teach and study subtraction using the same-change rule. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive...
iOSTrade-First Subtraction
PaidThis app can be used to teach and study the trade-first subtraction method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive interface...
iOSLeft-to-Right Subtraction
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the left-to-right subtraction method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive...
iOSDecimal Rounding
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the rounding of decimals. You can set your own problems or solve random problems. The decimal numbers...
iOSVisual Multiplication Table
PaidThis app can be used to explore and learn the multiplication table in a visual way that increases intrinsic motivation. "I highly...
iOSColumn Addition
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the column addition method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive interface with...
iOSRussian Multiplication
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the Russian multiplication method. The user can solve random or custom multiplication problems. The...
iOSPartial Sums Addition
PaidThis app can be used to teach and study the partial sums addition method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive interface with...
iOSGrid Multiplication
PaidThis math app can be used to teach and study the grid multiplication method. The app is easy to use and it has an intuitive interactive interface...
iOSLong Division
PaidThe Long Division app has been featured by Apple in "New & Noteworthy", "Math - Numbers & Operations", and in "Math Apps for Middle School"....