Magento Help Desk
PaidReceive support requests via email, customer account, contact form or a CMS page 24/7.
WebwareColor Swatches Pro
PaidTake configurable products display to a new level.
WebwareMagento A B Testing
PaidRun numerous split and multivariate tests based on different product parameters.
WebwareMagento Survey extension
PaidLaunch numerous surveys on your site to thoroughly study customer demand.
WebwareMagento Shipping Restrictions
PaidLimit use of shipping methods by country, product names, brands, in fact any products attributes.
WebwareMagento Admin Actions Log
PaidLog all actions performed in store backend by admin users, view log history on the grid.
WebwareMagento SugarCRM Bridge
PaidOptimize your business processes through Magento and SugarCRM synchronization.
WebwareMagento Product Feed
PaidCreate a feed of all your products in a few clicks and submit them instantly.
WindowsMagento Facebook Like to Download
PaidAllow customers to pay Facebook likes for your products and services.
WebwareMagento HTML5 Flipping Book
PaidPresent products in a new way by adding flipping magazine-like galleries.
WebwareAmasty Magento Security Suite
PaidProtect your Magento store.
WebwareMagento Custom Stock Status
PaidUse speaking stock statuses and get more chances that customers will come back for purchases.
WebwareMagento Advanced Customer Segments by Amasty
PaidSegment your customers and guest visitors by various parameters.
WebwareMagento Product Parts Finder
PaidMake it easy for customers to find spare parts and components.
WebwareImproved Layered Navigation
PaidEnable Magento layerd navigation in your store and make customers willingly plunge into the world of shopping.
WebwareMagento Order Attributes
PaidCollect and use all the necessary order info by adding custom fields to checkout page.
WindowsAbandoned Cart Email for Magento 2
PaidSend catchy emails to recover abandoned carts in Magento 2.
WebwareMagento Improved Sorting
PaidLet your customers find the best products fast.
WebwareMagento Product Labels
PaidApply labels to your Magneto store products.
WebwareMagento Blog Pro extension by Amasty
PaidCreate responsive blog posts with a handy WYSIWYG editor.
WebwareMagento Inventory Management
PaidStop to spend hours a day updating product stock quantity manually, automate this process.
WebwareStore Locator for Magento 2
PaidSpecify additional information for each store location to maximally streamline shopping process.
WebwareExtended Product Grid with Editor
PaidAdd the necessary product attributes and edit product data on the product grid.
WebwareAuto Add Promo Items
PaidAutomatically add free promo products to the cart.