Ali Dar
Contact Share - Bluetooth & Wi-Fi
PaidContact Share is a an application that allows you to share contacts between your iPhones,iPod Touches and iPads. You can send one, many or all...
iOSFile Manager Pro - With Wireless Sharing & Passcode Protection
PaidFile Manager Pro is your all in one file/document manager for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It enables you to manage all the files in one app...
iOSPhoto Share - Bluetooth & Wi-Fi
PaidPhoto Share is a an application that allows you to share photos from your camera roll between your iPhones and iPads. You can send one or many...
iOSFile Share - Bluetooth & Wi-Fi
PaidFile Share is a an application that allows you to share files between your iPhones,iPod Touches and iPads. You can send one, many or all file at...
iOSVoice Chat - Bluetooth & Wi-Fi
PaidVoice Chat is a an application that allows you to use your iPhone and iPad as a walkie talkie. The application works over both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi...